Meet us

If you do not build your dream, someone else will hire you to help you build it.

Men during precision work on production line

Who are we?

Let’s get to know each other better

Are you looking for a job? You have come to the right place. We are the company that connects employers with employees. We do not want to write about many years of our experience and thousands of recruitments, although it is true. We give you the opportunity to find a job in
a stress-free manner, without long recruitment processes and sending CV, application letters or references. It does not matter whether you are looking for a permanent job or an odd job. Are you worried about the lack of experience? It is not a problem for us.

We are primarily looking for production and technical workers, quality controllers.

What industries can you find employment in? Most frequently in automotive, food, production, logistics … but that is not the end of possibilities.

For us, you and your time are the most important. We are here so that you find a job quickly. We offer jobs not only in Poland, but also in Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic – the choice is yours!

We treat everybody with respect and understanding. Importantly, we provide legal employment and help in formal issues.

Values we are driven by

If you can’t do great things, do small things in a great way.


We approach all candidates with full understanding. We try to sympathize with their situation and find an offer possibly best suited to their needs, as well as guide them through
the recruitment process quickly and without difficulty. We employ the way we would like to be treated ourselves.


We guarantee full legality of employment. The recruitment process is carried out in accordance with the regulations, and all documentation meets the applicable legal requirements. When choosing us, you do not have to worry about anything.


The entire recruitment process takes place in a clear and transparent manner. We do not beat around the bush, and we do not make empty promises. Already during the first conversation, we will present the available opportunities and real employment prospects.

Social Responsibility

Social interest sets the direction of our actions.

Od 2013 roku jesteśmy tytularnym sponsorem stadionu Włókniarz Częstochowa

Wsparcie Fundacji Maxima Dzieciom, której misją jest wspieranie edukacji oraz niesienie pomocy dzieciom znajdującym się w trudnych warunkach materialnych.

Wspieramy Dom Dziecka i Interwencyjny Ośrodek Preadopcyjnego w Częstochowie.

Od 2014 roku bierzemy udział w akcji „Szlachetna Paczka”, pomagając rodzinom spełnić marzenia i spędzić cudowne święta.

See the development history of SGP Group

The company’s history



Mariusz Puto, CEO of SGP – Sorting Group Poland Sp. z o.o., begins a new chapter in life. Preoccupied with quality control for years, he takes up the challenge, resigns from a full-time job and opens his own company.

Obtaining the ISO 9001 certificate


Thanks to the efforts of the management board and employees, we obtained the first ISO 9001 certificate. Thanks to it, SGP Group has become a reliable partner in the automotive industry and more. We have gained the trust of our partners.

Expansion into the foreign market


We opened our first office in Oradea, Romania. Today it is our largest company. On the Romanian market, we are a partner mainly for companies from the automotive industry.



Continuing the development, we opened another foreign company, this time in Slovakia.



Following the needs of our partners, we started operations in Great Britain, Serbia, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Germany.



We became the title sponsor of the speedway stadium in Częstochowa. Until 2021, the stadium was called SGP Arena, and we wholeheartedly supported CKM Włókniarz.



BCC, appreciating our development and social policy, awarded us with the prestigious Polish Business Leader award. We are at the forefront of the largest Polish companies that greatly contribute to the development of entrepreneurship and market economy in Poland.



Diversification of activity: opening of a permanent and temporary recruitment company called Human&Hunter.



Receiving 3 prestigious awards confirming the intensive development of the SGP Group: 1) Ambassador of the Polish Economy, 2) Business Gazelles, 3) Promoter of the Częstochowa Economy. In addition, we have expanded into the Italian and Slovenian markets.



Purchase and move to a new SGP Group office building located at ul. Legionów 92 in Częstochowa. Opening of a company in Spain.



We were among the winners of the prestigious Forbes Diamonds award. This year, we were among companies with revenues from PLN 5 to 50 million, with revenues of PLN 38.7 million in 2015 and an average increase in value of +52.44% in 2013-2015. The first edition of Quality Days.



Expansion to new markets. Opening of companies in Bulgaria and Macedonia.



Another huge investment that increased our competitiveness by offering new engineering and quality services. We have opened a specialized research center called SGP Quality Lab in the KSEZ.



Expansion of services to include the sale of OHS and os products – creation of a new Save&Care brand.